Sunday, January 9, 2011

Aunt Emma's Pancake House- National City

Lets clear the air.  I've gotten a bit lazy with the blog.  I love the blog culture big time.  Dont confuse my lack of blog activity with an apathy for the blog world.  I ceremoniously check my google reader feeds through the day and love hearing some of my favorite bloggers (shout out to Lynn@The Actor's DietKirbie@Kirbie's CravingsCC@Pink Candles at Ridgemont HighKirk@mmm-yoso!!!!Ameena@Fancy That Fancy This, and The 99 cent chef@ at the similarly named blog, and so many others I couldnt possibly name).  So how can i still share my food experiences?  I am going to occasionally try blogging from my iphone for awhile and see how that tickles my goat or something to that effect.  Phone blogging means no fancy editing, images will be uncentered, and posts shorter than usual.  But it also means, we skip right to the gooey middle of the shizzz.  I'm also gonna try a new rating system- love it, leave it or undecided.  Cross my fingers, hope it flies.  

Aunt Emmas Pancake House
National City CA
Pros: price, neighborhood joint, parking, friendliness of staff, generous on the sauce and avocado in lieu of turkey meat (which would probably have been cheapo sandwich meat)
Cons: bland, bland bland. Good thing I had my entertainment book coupon...
Score: Leave it 

1 comment:

  1. hi dd - thanx for the shout out! how sweet!

    well, i like your new format - it's very 'to the point'. nice, quick 'n dirty posts. so much easier than trying to compose a long post with links and such. it can get to be a pain.
